Day 1

Psalm 24:1-2
“The earth is the Lord’s...”

Stewardship begins here - with the understanding that everything, everywhere belongs to God, and He Alone is the source of all we have and see in creation. This means that we are caretakers (stewards) of what God has given for us to enjoy: our fellow humanity, the world’s natural resources and beauty of creation, our finances, abilities, passions, and environments.

As Christians this is freeing! We don’t have to cling to anything in order to find happiness, but can enjoy everything God brings our way! It also enables us to be generous, because our greatest riches are not in what we have, but in Whose we are!

The Christian life is one of constantly learning to steward our talents, time, and financial resources in faithfulness and generosity, modeled by the generous heart of our Heavenly Father. This is our heart at Chapelgate.

What are some ways you have been liberated to enjoy rather than cling to what God has given to you, and what parts of your life are you most resistant to letting go of?

One Takeaway:



Yours is the greatness, power, glory, majesty, and splendor. Everything in the heavens and the earth is yours, and you are lifted up as head over all. Father, forgive us for making ourselves too big and You too small for living as though this is our Kingdom. Help us live dependent on you, our King, for every breath, conversation, burden, weakness, and everything we need. Thank you for not leaving us in our low state but for sending Jesus to rescue, redeem, and adopt us as your sons and daughters. Help us to live in light of this new reality by loving generously as you have loved us in Christ.



Day 2