Sunday Mornings At Chapelgate
Visit Us
2600 Olive Branch Way,
Marriottsville, MD 21104
(410) 442-5800
9am Sunday School and Nursery will break for the summer and restart in mid-September. Nursery is offered at the 10:30am Worship Service and Children’s Church is available for grades K-5. For information about our Nursery (Sunbeams), click HERE. For information about Children’s Sunday School & Children’s Church (Kaleidoscope), click HERE. We also have a Special Needs ministry called Keystone. Click HERE to learn more.
Starting in September, Classes and Electives for Youth and Adults will be available at 9:00am. The Youth meet in person, while Adult Classes are available in both an in-person and online format. For info about Youth Classes, click HERE, for Adult Classes, click HERE.
We look forward to worshiping with you in-person on Sunday morning at 10:30am!
Coffee is available in the lobby before the service, (in the summer we offer coffee starting at 10am) and we hope you’ll stay for After-Worship Fellowship after the service. We do not have a Sunday bulletin, but our Order of Service can be found on the ‘Chapelgate’ App under the Sunday tab.
9-10:30am: Coffee in the Lobby (for the summer, 10-10:30am)
10:30am: Worship
11:30am-12pm: After-Worship Fellowship
2600 Olive Branch Way,
Marriottsville, MD 21104
(410) 442-5800