Spring Sunday school classes will start on March 23rd at 9am!

Find more information on all of this year’s offerings below!

Discovery Class

Visitors and Regular Attenders are invited to our 8-week Discovery Class, held in person, where you can learn about Chapelgate: who we are, what we believe, how to get involved, and how to become a member if that is something you would like to do (there is no obligation!). Patrick Allen teaches the class, and you will also have the opportunity to meet other ministry leaders. We hope you will join us! Meeting in Room 101.

Our Spring class has begun! Email Toni for information about our next class starting in September.

Preparing For Glory

What do you know about heaven? Do you want to learn more? Join us for seven weeks as we discuss how to live in hope, expectation and joy, even with the knowledge that we will one day die. We’ll examine and discuss the New Heavens and the New Earth, the Final Judgment, Aging, Sickness, Dying, the Hope of the Resurrection, the Journey of Grief and Living, Preparing and Sharing our Legacy. We will use Elizabeth Turnage’s book, Preparing for Glory, as a guide. This book is not required for the class, but may be a beneficial support for our time together. 

This class will be led by Judie Puckett and Dan Passerelli.

Meeting in Room 214/215.

Praying With Jesus

Come and join us as we explore the most famous prayer in history, the Lord's Prayer, and get to the heart of each thing Jesus told his disciples to pray for.

This class is coed. Meeting in Room 233.

thy kingdom come

(1st & 2nd Samuel)

These books form a story of faith and valor, of intrigue and suspense, of rebellion, and heartbreak. It is a story of heroes and villains, of wise men and fools, but mostly, it is a story of a God who has set apart a people for himself, a people to whom he gave his covenant, a God who remembers his covenant and remains faithful, even when his people do not.  

This class is co-ed. It will be taught by Rob Gicking and Larry Danner in the Fellowship Hall.

Thy Kingdom Come will also meet on Zoom -


“Eternity in Our Heart”
What do death and eternity hold for Christians, and how do we think about them? The Bible is full of pictures and stories to help us understand them. Come and join us as we examine God’s Word together to discover the hope Christians carry in death for everlasting life. Free books to all who attend.

Meeting in person in Room 212 and also on Zoom.

Click HERE for class resources.

English Classes

Email Pastor Tai for more information.
Sunday Sermon Preview Classes prepare for Chapelgate’s sermon. Meeting in Rooms 221 & 222.
Sunday Sermon Review Classes meet on Zoom to review Chapelgate’s sermon
11:30 AM Review in Korean
12:30 PM Review in Chinese & English