Childcare is now available, see below for more info.
What to expect:
7 - 8pm: Worship & Testimony or Study
8 - 9pm: Men's & Women's Open Share or Step Groups
Other CR Groups in Maryland
Celebrate Recovery National Website
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered ministry designed to bring healing to people with all kinds of hurts. You are welcome at our meetings, regardless of your struggle. Here you will find that we focus on God's healing power through worship, prayer and application of God's Word to our lives in the context of fellowship with others. Using the time-honored and successful format of other 12-step programs, Celebrate Recovery emphasizes a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as the foundation and power source for authentic, lasting recovery. We offer a safe and encouraging environment where individuals can seek recovery and we maintain the highest standards of confidentiality.
Julie | send email
Bruce | send email | 443-472-0085
Tish Heyssel | send email
Dana Brigham | send email
Friday Night Childcare Provided by CR:
We provide childcare for K-5th grades. Please register your child by clicking HERE.
New to CR?
Your first small group will be "Newcomers 101." You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the program. If you prefer to jump right into a Share group, speak to the large group facilitator.
Is Celebrate Recovery the same as AA or NA?
Yes and no. Like Anonymous groups, CR is a 12-step program, and it is a great place for those struggling with addictions. But the higher power in CR is clear: it is Jesus Christ. There are other differences as well, both in philosophy and practice, though people of all faiths and belief systems are welcome in our meetings and fellowship.
I'm not an alcoholic. Is Celebrate Recovery for me?
Definitely! CR is for anyone with a hurt, habit, or hang-up - in other words, all of us! It deals with a wide range of life challenges or issues:
-Do you struggle with poor self-image? Insecurities? Perfectionism?
-Do you struggle with depression, isolation, fear, or anxiety?
-Do you have continuing feelings of anger, guilt, or shame?
-Is your marriage in jeopardy?
-Do you struggle with lust? Pornography? Infidelity? Sexual integrity?
-Do you seek comfort through food, alcohol or other substances?
-Are you a survivor of physical, emotional or sexual abuse?
-Do you yearn for others' approval? Are you a people pleaser?
-Is a current friend or relative struggling with an addiction or habitual behavior?
If you struggle with an obstacle in your relationship with God or others, CR is for you!
When does CR meet at Chapelgate?
We meet every Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. for our large group meetings, which include inspirational worship music and a time of either teaching or testimony related to recovery from a hurt, habit, or hang-up. At 8:00, we meet in small groups - with separate groups for men and women - so we can be transparent about our struggles in a safe atmosphere, and find the strength to walk in freedom from the things that have controlled us.
Is Celebrate Recovery confidential?
Yes! There are strict rules in Open Share groups and Step Groups for respecting the confidentiality of anything shared in the group.
Can I serve in CR even though I am in recovery?
Absolutely. We are all in recovery. It is the process of taking up our cross and following Jesus. Though it is our goal to have a testimony of victory in Christ over our struggles, you don't have to "have it all together" to serve.
Is childcare available?
Childcare is available for ages birth to fifth grade. We offer an environment where children are safe and loved, so while adults explore topics that bring healing and wholeness, your children will be cared for in a safe environment.