Elder Bios
I grew up at Chapelgate, the fifth child of Fred and Lisa Avolio, and came to know Jesus at a very young age. I don't know the particular details, but I continued to grow in that faith, particularly in Breakaway with Patrick Donohue. At Frostburg State University, under the mentorship of pastor Thomas Winborn, I began to take a more active role in leadership and in others' spiritual development. Since college, I've been involved in many different Chapelgate ministries in various ways, figuring out how I'm called to serve and to live. Right now, I'm focused on teaching adult Sunday school, the prayer team, and several small groups.
My wife Kelly and I met at Chapelgate and have been married since 2019. She's a warm and generous woman, continually giving of herself both to her friends and to ministries like Keystone and Divorce Care for Kids. Her example encourages me in my pursuit of Christ and my love for others.
Kelly works in Salesforce for UMGC. I work as a software engineer for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center developing data visualization software for many different missions. Since 2020, we both have been working remotely out of our home in Savage, MD.
To me, being an elder is about seeing and sharing the beauty of God. It's about holding tightly to the depth of our Good News, and it's about helping others to take hold of it. It's about asking the questions that need to be asked, even if the answers aren't convenient or comfortable, and it's about showing people why those questions matter. That's what I feel called to do: to help people to see Jesus. -
Originally from West Virginia, I feel fortunate to have grown up in a strong Christian environment, having attended church from my earliest memories and accepting Christ as my Savior at an early age. Moving to Maryland 18 years ago, I feel even more fortunate to have found Chapelgate, where I’ve developed a greater understanding of His saving grace and what it means to truly follow him.
My wife Amy and I have been married for 27 years and have two kids: our son, Peyton, an up-and-coming film maker, and our daughter, Lauren, who is a Junior at Towson University. We have been members of Chapelgate for 17 years.
I currently work as the Director of the Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at UMBC.
I am involved in the Life on Life ministry as well as the Capital Campaign.
God has clearly called us to use the gifts he has given us to serve others as evidenced in 1 Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” I feel humbled and blessed that He would call me to use these gifts to serve the members of Chapelgate as an Elder.
To shepherd requires only to look at the one true Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, and live as He lived, by coming alongside those that are hurting, being a servant leader, walking in faith together, supporting and encouraging others, loving our neighbors and ultimately being a witness for God’s grace and love.
I was raised in church my entire life. It wasn't until I matured into adulthood that I began to recognize God's constant work in my life and started developing a personal relationship with my Savior. Through pain and loss, I came to realize the ultimate good that God was accomplishing in my life.
I’ve been married to Erica Krabitz for 23 years and we have two daughters: Madeline (21) and Ella (19).
I am currently the Director of Athletics & Student Activities at Chapelgate Christian Academy.
I have been a member of Chapelgate for 7 years.
I lead a Life-on-Life Group, and I am a member of a small group and the Church Building Security Committee. On the school side, I serve as the chair of the CCA Building Committee.Previously, I was part of a church where I didn’t truly feel connected. I have a deep love for Chapelgate in many ways, and I would love nothing more than to give back to a community that has given me so much.
Shepherding allows me to use the personality and love for people that God has given me to help others. The opportunity to walk through life with someone else is a blessing. That is one of the reasons I enjoy leading my Life-on-Life group. I am grateful to share in the joys and work through the pain with others.
My wife, Gail and I have been married for over 25 years and have twin daughters, Lydia and Madelyn who are in their junior years of college. I work in the geospatial technology industry for a company based locally here in Howard County.
I made the decision to accept Christ into my heart my freshman year of high school after a friend invited me to his church's youth group and shared the gospel with me. Because of the impact attending youth group and my youth pastor had on my first years as a follower of Christ, I developed a passion to serve in youth ministries. I have been blessed to serve in Chapelgate's youth ministry, Breakaway, since my wife and I became members here in 2002. I now feel called to further serve our church as an Elder, where I will have the opportunity to care for and walk alongside individuals and families here at Chapelgate.
Although raised in a Christian home where my parents, brothers, and sisters all believed the Lord, I was a "teenage Pharisee," trying to earn God's favor by following all the rules. During my junior year in high school, a college student at my church started meeting with me to share the gospel with me. Through his love for me, God opened my ears to the message of salvation.
In college, at both the University of Georgia and the University of Minnesota, I was heavily involved in the Navigators ministry, gaining a deeper understanding of God's Word as well as a foundation in discipleship ministry.
After coming to Maryland in 1988 to work at Fort Meade as a mathematician, I joined Wallace Presbyterian Church in Hyattsville, where I volunteered with the youth ministry for several years. During my subsequent time at Christ Reformed Presbyterian in Laurel, I got involved in Chapelgate Career Fellowship (CCF), the singles ministry at Chapelgate at the time, where I met my future wife, Cindy. After getting married in August 1999, we looked for a church home for our new family, joining Chapelgate the following winter. Subsequently, our family has grown as we’ve been blessed with 4 children (Samuel--23, David--21, Hannah--20, and John--17).
This is my twentieth year working with various levels of Christian Service Brigade at Chapelgate. Additionally, I have served as an usher and taught both children's and adult classes in Sunday School. I’ve also had the privilege of serving on the Diaconate for six years (2006-2011), during which time I was a member of the Finance Committee.
It has been said that "shepherding" can be broken down into the areas of leading, feeding, protecting, and caring. Of these, feeding and caring resonate the most deeply with me. I truly enjoy teaching God's word to God's people. When it comes to caring, I've seen that I seem to be most effective in 1-on-1 situations, whether counseling, strengthening relationships, or helping others to consider ways to apply scripture to their daily lives.
I was raised in a Christian home. My parents’ faithfulness to one another and to the Lord through all of life’s hills and valleys has been a guiding example in my walk of faith. My Mom hosted a neighborhood Bible study for many years, and my Dad, at 88, is a vital and treasured member of his local church. The summer of 1974 is when I was brought to Christ. It was a hard summer for my parents; they were blessed by a surprise set of twins on July 3, one of whom was very sick. In the midst of all of these changes, of my baby brother’s hospitalization and miraculous recovery, of seeing my parents struggle with joy and fear and trust, I saw the love of Jesus and turned to Him.
On a snowy Saturday in December 1990, Greg and I were married. He is the love of my life, and I still marvel over God’s goodness in giving us one another! Greg’s quiet faithfulness, constancy, and encouragement have changed my life and supported me in trying new things. God has blessed us with four children and two grandchildren. Spending time with them and our extended family is a joy for us!
We have been members of Chapelgate for eighteen years. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed involvement in Children’s ministries, VBS, ESL, HUM, and Bible studies. I love to encourage people through practical ways – whether it’s by giving a warm meal, holding their baby, or helping in the kitchen for a funeral reception. The unexpected blessing of serving others in the church is the rich fellowship from those times. Something special happens! God has shown me gifts, weaknesses, and new ways to trust Him. It will be my joy and privilege to serve Chapelgate as a Deaconess.
I live in Marriottsville and am the mother of three young men, ages 26, 23, and 19, who I love dearly. I’m also the adoring mom of my spoiled cockapoo, Chloe. I am an organizational development consultant and recently started my own business, Wellness Society, to help leaders (women in particular) develop essential skills and become healthier leaders from the inside out.
I have attended Chapelgate since 1972 when the church was on Rolling Road. It was there that I accepted Christ into my heart during Vacation Bible School. I was a Pioneer Girl and extremely involved in the youth group as a teenager and have loved serving in many ministries over the years. I currently serve as a greeter and occasionally facilitate study groups. I am very grateful for the influence of Chapelgate in my life all these years, and for my small group Bible Study that helps me stay focused on the Gospel.
I have a heart for those who are hurting and desire to be used however the Lord leads as a deaconess. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve and to love others. -
I grew up in church and asked Jesus to be my Savior in my early teens, but I did not abide in Him. I sought love and acceptance in the lust of my flesh, but God in his mercy rescued me with a friendship. Daily we read His word together and that started a life of repentance and faith, inhaling grace and exhaling gratitude. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs and hard times, either by my sin or just life, but Jesus holds me, renews and grows me and changes me. I am dependent on Him for everything. I think of “He who began a good work in me has been faithful” and I know he will continue to be.
I am divorced and have four grown children: Jacob, Joshua, Jonathan, and Jordan. I’m self-employed and run a cleaning service. I’ve been a member of Chapelgate for over 15 years, and I serve as a greeter on Sunday mornings and help with After-Worship Fellowship.I believe I'm called to follow Christ, and he has brought me this opportunity to serve as a Deaconess. When I think of being a Deaconess, I think of a line in the song, Make Me a Servant: “Lord, let me lift up those who are weak.” I think of practical care, gentleness, and kindness.
My wife, Renee, and I have been members of Chapelgate since 1994. We raised three children, Hannah, Micah and Leah during that time. Now we also have three grandchildren.
Since I grew up in a Christian home, I’ve known Christ all of my life, and I made my public profession of faith in high school. In previous churches and in the past I’ve worked as a leader in youth groups and in the nursery. Renee and I have been in a number of small groups and I’ve served in the Sunday School and as an usher in Chapelgate. Now I want to provide more service as a Deacon, as well as increase my involvement with fellow believers in the church. I’m looking forward to that opportunity so serve.
I long wondered if a convincing testimony needed a crisis moment, but I’ve come to embrace that all I ever experienced was Christ. Mine is a boring testimony, or rather the blessing of a quiet, midwestern upbringing, where family, church, friends and teammates constantly showed God’s love, and challenged me to pursue, embrace, and own God’s call on my life.
Over the years, I attended churches that modeled service. Members bought-in to God’s work: building transformative relationships, and creating tangible impact (in the spiritual and physical care of the church and outreach beyond its walls). It is an honor to be among Chapelgate’s class of deacon nominees, and I pray that God leads me in demonstrating service, tuning my heart to see those in need (and that which needs to be done) to show God’s glory within our church and community.
Supporting me, and reflecting faith back to me, is my family. Melinda and I married in 2008. She operates niNe. magazine, a media ministry focused on teen girls. Our family (Peter, age 10; Paul, 7; and Moira, 5) live in Ellicott City, and joined Chapelgate in 2019.
Our family is active in Girls Together and Christian Service Brigade (meeting at Chapelgate on Tuesday evenings). Since 2022 I have been the coordinator for CSB’s Tree Climber division (K-2nd grade). I also assist with Chapelgate’s live stream, an opportunity God opened up in March 2020.
I studied communications at the University of Iowa and began a career in sports video production. In 2017, God blazed a path for our family to escape the nights, weekends and deadlines of sports, and move from North Carolina to Maryland, where I now produce videos for the Department of Defense. Throughout my career, I have seen God create countless opportunities to infuse my faith into many projects and partnerships.
I grew up attending a United Presbyterian church in Hagerstown, but recognized and accepted my salvation while attending a PCA church during graduate school in Muncie, Indiana.
I met my wife, Susan, here in the Chapelgate singles group in the late 80's when I began attending Chapelgate at the St. Johns Lane facility. We've been married now approaching 35 years. We have two adult daughters still living at home who, with Susan, are teachers in the Baltimore City School system.
I retired from the Maryland State Highway Administration as a landscape architect designing large wetland mitigation projects, managing the Highway Noise Abatement program, and coordinating Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas mitigation projects. I now work on our various home improvement projects.
Currently serving on the "hidden ministry" in the sound booth, previously serving on the original phase 1B building committee (Sunday School rooms, nursery wing, kitchen, Fellowship Hall, youth suite), and on the ball field development committee.
It is a joyful element of worship to help others. I look forward to the opportunities of continuing serving the Church.
My name is Greg Horstkamp. Anne and I have been married for 34 years and raised 4 children in Ellicott City, MD. We have also been blessed with 2 grandchildren. I was raised in the Catholic church and came to know Christ through family and friends that testified to me. My father died when I was 24 and my mom’s faith as a widow and single parent was a strong example. Anne and I began to date shortly after this and were married in her church. We joined a small Presbyterian church in Laurel, MD, where I made my first profession of faith. We later moved to Ellicott City and have been members of Chapelgate for 18 years. A long time ago, I studied to be an Aerospace Engineer (UVA ’87 and GWU ‘95) and am currently employed as a Program Manager.
Having been recommended for Deacon and completing the training, I am humbled by the work of the church. After raising our children and transitioning to a job with significantly less travel, I am looking forward to participating more significantly in Chapelgate’s ministries. I have always enjoyed helping others and the fellowship of the leadership team is a true blessing. Anne and I have the additional blessing of working together with this team. We look forward to supporting the Session and the committees of the Diaconate.
I had known Christ growing up, but it become a sincere relationship later in life when I started talking about Christ with friends and family in a more intimate way, before joining Chapelgate. I had started attending Chapelgate’s young adult ministry, met fellow believers while learning the word and attending Chapelgate first through online services then in person.
I have been a Chapelgate Church member for about 2 years now. I currently work with the new members classes here at Chapelgate, participate in the young adults’ group and assist with morning greeter duties as requested. I have also assisted in various events and needs as requested by church. I am always at the ready to assist church and its members as needed in whatever way I can.
I have always had a desire to serve others throughout my life. I have always felt a calling to help others. I learned this from the teachings of Christ along with my family as well. It’s an honor to serve my church and its community even further in this newly assigned role.
To be a servant in the life of church is a special calling because we are given a direct opportunity to help others which in turn serves Christ. We will help support the life of the church by doing what is needed to support its members, allow our teachings of the word however we may assist and supporting the well-being of our place of worship.
I came to a saving grace of Jesus on Easter Sunday 2004 at Grace Community Church while at Howard High School. My wife, Sandi, and I have been married for 20 years and we have two children: Elizabeth (18), and James (14). I work in finance as an Accounting Manager at Live Casino and Hotel Maryland. Sandi and I have been members of Chapelgate for 20 months. I serve as a Greeter on Sunday mornings and in Sunbeams Front Check-in but think I can do more to help the membership and beyond to bring the world of God to more people.
I enjoy working with people, which is why I love to greet and work with the Sunbeams ministries. As a Deacon, I can be more involved with Chapelgate and help more people in our communities who are in need.
Growing up I attended a Lutheran church (ELCA) with my family. While the gospel was not clearly presented, the liturgy provided a regular reading of God’s Word, which He used in my life despite the otherwise rote services (Isaiah 55:11)! I understood from a young age that I had accountability to God and that Jesus was God’s son. It wasn’t until the tenth grade that I began to truly understand the gospel, and what it meant to trust and follow Jesus. Following my older brother, I began to attend Liberty Reformed PCA and became active in the youth program where my faith flourished, and I began to walk with Jesus.
I have been married to wife Cathy for 27 years and have two children: Seth (23), who is working full time after graduating college last spring, and Lauren (21), who is currently completing her college journey in Virginia. For the last 5 years I have worked for Constellation Energy as an IT Architect and in the IT field more generally for over 25 years. I joined Chapelgate in 2021 after attending regularly for 3+ years. Current ministry involvement includes serving as a leader on the Men’s Ministry team, leading a small group Bible study, and as part of the worship team as a camera operator.
The opportunity to serve as a Deacon is a humbling call that I am honored to receive. The idea of being the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need and to demonstrate the real, tangible love of Christ to His body gives me much joy (Matt 25:35). The sense of calling became clear after being nominated and seeing God was already using me and preparing me for this service.
Growing up in Hong Kong, I was raised in a non-Christian home. I had a difficult childhood, and I was not exposed to Christianity. After my family immigrated to America, I knew nothing of God and lived a secular life. It wasn’t until my late 20’s, I realized there was something missing in my life. I started attending a Chinese Bible Church in Maryland and through the sharing of the gospel by a team of believers from Evangelism Explosion I began to learn about Jesus and came to receive Him in faith as my personal Savior.
My wife Amy and I have been married since 1996 and we have an only son Timothy who is currently in dental school in Philadelphia. I studied electrical engineering in college, and I have worked at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory for over 25 years. My family and I started attending Chapelgate around 2020 and participated in the Discovery class in the fall of 2021 and became members after that. I served as a member of the worship tech team focusing on audio/video of the service. I also serve in various Chapelgate service needs: Easter Egg Hunt, Spring/Fall Service Day, and the Christmas Choir.
1 Timothy 8-13 references the requirements of a Deacon, I feel the calling to be a Deacon is an important step to place my trust and faith in Jesus each day to live up to those requirements and I will also need the help and support of the church leadership, elders, and deacons/deaconesses to walk and serve the Lord each day. The office of Deacon (diakonos) is to be a servant leader, I look forward to serving those in need with the gifts that God has bestowed upon me.