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Officer Nominations

Chapelgate's Session is receiving nominations for Elder, Deacon, and Deaconess. Nominees should meet the requirements found in 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5. 

Elders serve in the care and nurture of the spiritual needs of members. 

Deacons lead in caring for the physical needs of the congregation and surrounding community, and Deaconesses (unordained) assist the Deacons in this deed-based ministry.

Try to think in terms of what you see now, as opposed to what you think may happen down the road. In other words, is this man demonstrating that he is an Elder or a Deacon now? Is this woman demonstrating that she is a Deaconess now? If so, you should nominate him or her. Members of Chapelgate are encouraged to submit nominations by clicking the link below:

May 25

Young Adults Group Night

June 4

Life On Life Interest Meeting