Day 16
Acts 2:42-47
“...they received their food with glad and generous hearts...”
The early Church was marked by generosity to the extent that Christians shared with one another from their abundance to any who were in need, and this produced a joyful spirit that was a reflection of both “glad and generous hearts.” How extraordinary!
One of the secret ministries at Chapelgate is not so secret, but works in confidentiality, and it is our Benevolence Team, which is a Committee of our Diaconate. Throughout the year, they meet with people in need, offering financial advice and financial assistance. In times of distress, they help with paying the bills, and in extreme times have helped with mortgage payments as well. This is not a burden but a privilege that the church is given in caring for folks in extraordinary times.
In what ways do you practice generosity at home, with your church community, and to your ‘neighbors,’ and how may this grow into a life of practice?
One Takeaway:
Your Prayer: