Day 15

1 Chronicles 29:10-20

“Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all...”

These words were offered by David on the day he died! To his last breath, he glorified God, and recognized that the Lord, not David, the king of Israel, is our true Ruler and Provider. More than that, he publicly affirmed that it was all worth it! It was worth following God, and leading His people. To acknowledge the greatness of God in all of our lives, we express that He is worth it, not only to us, but to all we love.

Throughout the Sandtown community in Baltimore there are families living in restored homes that were once condemned. In the Howard, Carroll, and Baltimore County regions are folks with furnished homes and clothing. City Church ministers in the North Baltimore area, and Deep Run Church in Westminster. Single Moms who struggle with addiction are being housed and ministered to at the Helping Up Mission. In the Salaam Center, nationals are being welcomed. In Howard County, homes are being restored, and people struggling with mental health issues are being counseled. All this due to God’s goodness, expressed through a collaboration of wonderful organizations with ordinary people at Chapelgate who love and follow Jesus in a passionate desire for renewal on our corner of the earth. What a privilege to collaborate as co-cultivators in this world that God has created to be good!

What would you identify as a place in your life where God’s greatness can be more readily seen and acknowledged?

One Takeaway:



Yours is the greatness, power, glory, majesty, and splendor. Everything in the heavens and the earth is yours, and you are lifted as head over all. Father, forgive us for making ourselves too big and You too small, and for living as though this is our Kingdom. Help us live dependent on you, our King, for every breath, conversation, burden, weakness, and everything we need. Thank you for not leaving us in our low state, but for sending Jesus to rescue, redeem, and adopt us as your sons and daughters. Help us to live in light of this new reality by loving generously as you have loved us in Christ.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Day 14


Day 16