Saturday, April 5th

John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.

I experienced unexpected sources of comfort during my cancer fight. The group of women that I was with at church came together in prayer for me. Many sent cards. Women at church who had had cancer came alongside of me throughout treatment. My name was spoken during the prayer on Sunday mornings. All of this was deeply moving, especially because many didn't know me. God’s people gave me that peace.

Thank you, God of the Universe, for assuring us that we can have peace through You; the peace that passes all understanding! You knew that we would experience all kinds of trouble in this life. Even in this church, many are suffering, many are anxious and many are depressed. Help us to take courage from this glorious truth that You have overcome the world and its miseries!

-Submitted by Lisa Collins


Friday, April 4th


Monday, April 7th