Day 14

Deuteronomy 26:1-4, 9-11

“And you shall rejoice in all the good that the LORD your God has given to you and to your house...”

Giving generously and faithfully are exercises in thanksgiving. In them we “rejoice in all the good” that God has done. This protects us from fearful hearts, and from the toxic power of greed. When we give, we recognize that what we have came directly from His hand, and in faith we acknowledge that what we will need, He will provide. Cultivating a thankful heart and generosity always go hand-in-hand. One leads to an unquenchable desire for ‘more,’ and the other, to a desire to share from the wealth of God’s abundance.

On more occasions than not, whenever generous gifts have been offered at Chapelgate, they come with expressions of gratitude for how God has used the ministry of this church in their and their family’s lives, and their desire for the same to be experienced by others.

How can you best cultivate a grateful heart that rejoices in God’s goodness?

One Takeaway:


You called the Israelites to remember that you had rescued them from slavery in Egypt and given them a land full of good things, and in remembering, they should rejoice.

Lord, you have rescued me from a far worse slavery, the slavery to sin, and brought me into the kingdom of your Son and my Savior, Jesus Christ. How much more reason do I have to rejoice? Not only have you given me eternal life, but you give me every good and perfect gift in this life as well.

May this joy produce in me a heart of thankfulness that overflows in generosity to you and to those around me for the sake of your Son,



Day 13


Day 15