Day 5

Luke 21:1-4
“...she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

A widow in Jesus’ day was considered among the most vulnerable and least of people in a paternalistic society. When her husband died, there was no nest egg, and she was left to fend for herself. But Jesus observed that in spite of her impoverished state, she embodied the gospel. She didn’t give some, but all. She didn’t hold back, but quietly gave in faith. Jesus had observed many who gave larger amounts at no real cost to themselves. As far as he was concerned, she gave more!

Through the years, Chapelgate has been blessed with sacrificial givers who believed that God was using this church ministry in their lives and those of their families and friends. When we started this sanctuary project, one thing was certain - We did not want to build something that did not cost us! The land sale affords a great head start, but the sacrifices of people toward this effort is where such projects find their deepest joy.

How may you grow in the grace of giving generously and sacrificially, and what most causes you hesitation in this grace?

One Takeaway:



Thank you for the extravagant and selfless example of the widow who gives two copper coins which are equivalent to one penny. Help us to see as Jesus sees. Her gift is the most generous and lavish gift because she gives all that she has. She gives sacrificially - fully trusting in the Lord’s provision for her. Enable us to give with the same freedom and abundant generosity, trust, and faithfulness. Help us to trust as the widow trusted in your provision.

Soften our hearts so that we too may give lavishly and faithfully motivated by our love for you. Free us from concerns about future needs. Help us to trust in your faithfulness and provision. May we strive for assurance, love, and reliance on you, our Provider. You are faithful and true. You love us lavishly and extravagantly.

Let us also demonstrate our love and faithfulness with the same devotion and abandon of that one, poor widow who “walked by faith and not by sight,” trusting in you who faithfully loves, provides, and cares for our every need. Help us to freely give all that we have to you who freely gave and continues to give and provide all for us.



Day 4


Day 6