Day 6
Matthew 19:16-30
“When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.”
Jesus confronts our idols and securities with a challenge. Such challenges are always about trusting him, rather than putting our hope in that which we can lose and certainly can’t hold onto beyond this life. For this affluent young man, the idol of his heart was in his possessions and wealth. It would be the same if it were a dream or a relationship - He was unwilling to let go in order to “have eternal life.” His sadness is most telling. He had to make a choice between his affections, and deep down, he knew that clinging to his wealth would not give him what he most desired.
Ironically, even the best things can become our idols! As a church, we have to check our own hearts when it comes to things like sanctuaries, ministries, and personalities. This is the reason why when this project is happening is meaningful. When our current structure was built, in faith the congregation put the construction of a Sanctuary on hold for the sake of our children (Chapelgate Christian Academy and Youth and Children’s Ministries), trusting that in His good time, the Lord would bring us to this moment.
In what ways can you check your heart when it comes to how you identify your greatest securities?
One Takeaway:
You call us to follow you, to go where you go and live how you live. We won’t be satisfied with anything less. We are designed for the great adventure of knowing and being known by the Creator of the universe, but time and time again, our desires are pulled away from you and toward the things that you have created. Forgive us for our drifting hearts and for the times we let fear rule in our lives. Please help us to heed your call: to follow and to trust that your plans for our lives are infinitely superior to our own. Give us strength to trust that you are indeed our “abundant life!” Our spirits are willing, but our human nature is so weak. Help us to live as ambassadors of your radical generosity, Jesus. Help us love like you!