Tuesday, April 1st
Nehemiah 6:9 For they all wanted to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will drop from the work, and it will not be done.” But now, O God, strengthen my hands.
When I face the busyness of life, or when I am in the midst of a demanding task (be it at work, or as society challenges my values) Nehemiah’s call for God to strengthen his hands steadies me. I can stand in God’s truth. I can put my hands to work, to serve as Jesus served. I can overcome doubt, fear, and indecision. Taking action, with God’s strength and steadiness, I experience the joy of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, help me feel you stirring in my heart - and as your life pulses through me, that my hands feel your strength. The fallen world tries to crash down on me, but your love and plan for me is bigger than any doubt or criticism. You sent Jesus to carry my sin to the cross. Now, strengthen my hands in prayer and service to take action to further your glory. Amen.
-Submitted by Quinn Collins